Someday Someplace...

July 10, 2006

I've seen it all...

Being a die-hard ‘Friends' fan that I am, I usually watch the 6:30 show on One TV every evening. Even though they play the same seasons over and over again, you can’t get enough of friends, can you?

Likewise, I was watching ‘The One Where Nana Dies Twice’ from Season One, this episode has been aired before on One Tv, but only this time besides cutting all the kissy scenes, everytime someone said ‘gay’, it was dubbed by an unidentifiable word, wouldn’t make sense to someone watching it for the first time.

Maybe if people in Dubai didn’t hear the word, they wouldn’t know what it was and hence never accustom themselves to it.


High heel sprints in Moscow, winner gets a 100,000 Roubles shopping voucher. (wish I had a link, you can see it in yesterday’s main paper…on some page).

Very interesting. The spread of Jumeirah Jane-ism is on the rise.

Oh come on! You know how many pains (and gains) it takes to prepare for and participate in a race like that! It has a criteria too! 9cm!!!

Posted by Harsha :: 9:37 AM :: 9 Comments:

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