you know those times when you wished things had'nt been the way they were..well in my case right now.. I cant think of a better way things would have gone otherwise anyway.. practically speaking...
So I'm lost.. and I feel like a big looser
lost lost lost.. and dont know where I'm heading..
Changes.. small small changes but alot.. but you know you cant make them on you're own and you know even if you had the choice.. you wouldnt be able to.
Dream on.
Frankly.. I think I'm jealous of ppl I see.. who have by now achieved a lot more or atleast are settling or atleast on their way.. and they dint really have to try that much.. actually thats how I see it..and I feel like..after all that I did and went through..I'm still here and have nooo hopes left.. trust me.. for once I was one of the ppl who never lost hope.. who pressed others to keep hope.. and now.. I'm just losing confidence in my self..
Its not like everything is over.. but now.. at this point so much can happen. Or not.
I think I just need something to encourage that hope within me..that zest I once had. But I'm gonna keep trying. Thats what I'm making myself believe.
Posted by Harsha ::
1:09 AM ::